Instagram users upload 5 million video clips in first 24 hours

The jury may still be out on the merits Instagram's new video feature but there's certainly no shortage of users rushing to try it out.

Speaking to CNET on Friday, the company claimed that a whopping five million clips were uploaded to the service within the first 24 hours of the app being updated.

The peak time came at the end of Game 7 of the NBA basketball finals in the United States as the Miami Heat emerged victorious against the San Antonio Spurs.

Instagram said 40 hours of video were uploaded per minute during that time period which, for clips a maximum of 15 seconds long, is a serious amount of posts.

CNET also pointed out that it would take two whole years to watch the video posted in the first 8 hours.

The update, which arrived on Thursday afternoon, allows users to record clips up to 15 seconds long, add a new batch of filters and upload finished products to sit alongside stills images in feeds.

Just like Twitter's Vine app, Instagram's offering allows users to record multiple scenes within the clip by pressing, holding and releasing the record button, leading many observers to dismiss the feature as a straight-up copy.

However, Instagram's clips are twice as long, have instantly rendered filters, the ability to tap the screen to focus and new image stabilisation tech called 'Cinema'.

Are you one of the Instagram users who couldn't wait to try out the new feature? Do you think it's better than Vine? Or is it simply Facebook trying to nullify Twitter's short video sharing solution. Let us know in the comments section below.
Title: Instagram users upload 5 million video clips in first 24 hours
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