Oppo confirms Find 7, though not for September, denies Find 5 Mini

After the Oppo Find 5 came around and convinced us that the Chinese manufacturer is perfectly capable of standing up to the big names in business, we've been keeping a close eye on the company's new projects.

Recently we've heard about Find 5 mini and Find 7 coming up, and as luck would have it we were just contacted by an Oppo representative, who wanted to clear out a few things about them.

The bad news is the Find 5 Mini version isn't coming at all and the rumors about it are unfounded.Here is the official quote:
One article mentioned the possible release of a Find 5 Mini. Unfortunately, there are no plans to release any Find 5 Minis.
The good news is the rep officially confirmed Oppo is indeed working on a Find 5 successor called Find 7. The device is still in very early stage of development though and won't launch this September as some reports suggested.

Here is the relevant part of the statement:
OPPO is excited to be currently developing the next phone in the Find series, the Find 7. However, development is still in the early stages and has no finalized designs or specifications. There is also no release date at this time and will unfortunately not be available this September.
Title: Oppo confirms Find 7, though not for September, denies Find 5 Mini
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Author: Unknown

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