Video on Instagram adds filters to 15 second movies

Facebook is adding filtered video to Instagram, its popular square-shaped photo sharing service, allowing for 15 seconds of clip-by-clip video on iOS and Android devices starting today.

With the swipe of a finger, the Instagram app transitions to Vine-like video capturing software, which is launching with 13 new custom filters designed for its 3-second-minimum videos.

"What we did to photos, we just did to video," announced Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom at Facebook headquarters today.

Not exactly distancing his company from its hipster image, Systrom showed how video for Instagram works by splicing together a 15-second movie of a barista making a latte.

Unique Instagram video features

Video for Instagram differentiates itself from clip-by-clip movies made by Vine in a few ways.

First, it has a handy delete feature in which users can trash the last segment of their video if they make a mistake. This may be enough for perfectionist Vine users to switch over to Instagram right away.

There is also a custom cover frame that just makes sense. Now users can select the preview image that others see before watching the video.

Finally, Instagram apes its social camera competitors by allow user to post to Facebook natively. Now your friends won't have to exit their newsfeed to watch your spliced-together video.

Cinema by Instagram

In addition to adding filters and debuting new video tweaking features, Instagram is out to fix the shaky camera issue with video stabilization built into its videos.

"We teamed up with a handful of the world's leading video scientists and created something really awesome," said Systrom.

Showing a series of videos with and without Instagram, the company's co-founder demonstrated the app mimics the image stabilization capabilities of higher-end computer software.

"When you're running, chasing your kid, trying to get a video, now you have the power of Cinema in your pocket," said Systrom. "This changes everything."

Grabbing at Vine

Video for Instagram is clearly a direct competitor to Twitter's Vine, the six-second video sharing competitor by the 140-character social media network.

Since its January launch, Vine has captured video for more than 13 million users and expanded its circle of bite-sized directors by releasing an app for Android earlier this month.

Instagram grows up

Instagram's video addition is the biggest new feature for the photo-sharing service since Facebook acquired the company and its 13 employees in April 2012 for $1 billion (about UK£648 million, AU$1.82 billion).

In the past 14 months, the filter-focused app has helped more than 130 million monthly users stylize and upload their photos, and now it aims to do the same for video.

"It's everything we know and love about Instagram, but it moves," said Systrom of the company's move into bite-sized video.
Title: Video on Instagram adds filters to 15 second movies
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